
Land of Sunshine.

A Snapshot of Melbourne Street Art 2010-2012

An acquaintance of mine from around the traps, Dean Sunshine, has spent the last two years capturing the 'vibrancy and beauty' of street art in and around Melbourne. If you haven't already heard of him, check out his blog Land of SunshineThe new print version will feature over a hundred Melbourne artists including Adnate, Deb, Heesco, Makaton and Pheonix the street artist. 
His book will be sold exclusively at General Pants stores nation wide from early this month as well as via his blog, with more stockists to be announced later. 
I've included a photo below of the final copy which will officially be launched on the 15th this month :). If you would like to attend perhaps email landofsunshineparty@gmail.com. One of the things I love about Melbourne is the culture and the amazing street art/ graffiti which can be found hidden all over Melbourne. Although some people don't always life 'graffiti' in my mind it can be and often is, amazing and creative and beautiful to look at, turning an average building into something more. Anyway, just thought I would share this with you all as it's definitely something I believe is worth it! :) xx

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