Fenella Scarlett ft. Camberwell Market, Coming this Sunday.
So it's come to a time where I need to part ways with my belongings.. After being spread out across two houses, over filling 4 wardrobes- scattering clothes throughout the house in boxes- I'm proud to be saying, this Sunday 3rd March I am having a Camberwell Market Store. A friend texted me the other day out of the blue saying she had a spot, right at a time when I was just thinking about how to get rid of all my things. It's funny the way the universe works.. Sometimes it's like you are talking to it in your thoughts, and it answers in mysterious ways. Anyway- its not a car spot so I can't give you the best info, but as I am told, I believe I am situated in the middle walkway at the back of the car spots there. I don't have an amazing group of things, but as they say 'One ladies trash, is another's treasure.' So I'm sticking to that belief and going for gold.. I just need to make sure I stick to my store and don't go wondering- spending more then I make. Something I am good at, and have a tendency of doing a little more than I would like.
So if you lovelies are free this Sunday, pop down! I'll be there from about 6:30-7am, hopefully by that stage all set up and ready to go! There will be a few goodies there so don't miss out! Hope to see you.. If I don't know you, introduce yourself and say hi! I love meeting new people and making new friends :) xx (NOTE TO PEOPLE: photos below are taken from google images and are not my own photos or clothes.. just like to include imagery to get the feel of the post, you know!? And just to clarify, I know the photos are a little bit silly and clash with each other but whatevs) xx
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